Blows as the wind Blooms as the flowers

Who can say where the day flows where the day goes only time..!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


They were back.
Masuk gerbang kos maren abis on duty, weee.., nadi kehidupan mulai mengheliat lagi neh kayaknya. Di teras dah disambut 2 couples yg nglempar senyum ke aku ketika aku lewat di depan mereka. Bener aja, nginjekin kaki ke dalem, duchh. “Kemriyek” kayak pasar, di ruang depan. Kalo udah gini pasar Jombang pindah dech. Pertanda kalo udah pada balik penghuninya. Saking ramenya, nyampek diteriakin ma Mbak Nung “ Woiiiiii.. rame ae….” Wah kalo gini pertanda babynya ga mau diganggu neh.. he.he.he. Udah 90 persen penghuni depan were back. Ya at least kos ga sepi lagi kayak maren2 itu.

My class
Lumayan nyante dengan satu kelaskoe maren, the student were nice that made me forgot the terrible things on my mind for a while. Enjoyed the class yesterday.

Last night
Covered my body with my thick red blanket with a big sun on the middle of it, tried to closed the eyes while the ears were listening “Gigi” on L.A light show on TV. My eyes were opened when the touchy song was sung by Armand suddenly. And my lips followed the lyrics undeliberately. “ shouldn’t feel lonely. U and me stand in different places. A thousand and one of reasons make the body weak. Here I am, remaind about you and cry without tears..………..the last love”. Few part of the lyrics which was sung. Occupied my mind with doing anything to release all the things that make burden.. Didn’t know why it’s hard to sleep. Woke up every couple of hours even I got sleep quite late. It wasn’t like usual which always turn off the lamp before going 2 bed. It’s different last night that I didn’t want to turn off the lamp. Afraid of the dark, did not let the dark cover around. And just let the brightness cover my night. And hope the coming day would be brighter then today and yesterday. Amien.


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